Develop Marketing 6Ps

Mix Insights

A solid marketing strategy development requires thorough evaluation and development of the 6 key marketing elements including product, price, place, promotion, people and presentation. Our best-in-class digital first methods in market mix research on testing 6Ps guide brands on developing impactful value propositions and offerings. Our solutions employ a unique and agile approach, leveraging advanced digital tools and analytics for swift decision-making. Our solutions not only help brands streamline the evaluation of concepts but also provide actionable insights in real-time to position your brand for growth. This dynamic methodology not only brings speed to decision-making but also promotes adaptability, enabling brands to respond immediately to changing market dynamics.

Market Research Company in USA

In a fast-moving, dynamic market, it’s essential to have immediate, actionable insights on marketing assets like celebrity promotions, key visuals, taglines, pack artworks and ideas. Utilize our platform for quick ad-hoc surveys and finetune a market-ready strategy that truly connects with your target audience through instant feedback.

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Identify the ideas or concepts which have the highest potential for growth. Through rigorous analysis, real-time feedback and competitive benchmarking, brands can confidently prioritize and invest in concepts poised for substantial growth, ensuring a strategic focus that aligns seamlessly with market demands and maximizes business success.

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At multiple levels, your brand campaigns need to excel in establishing familiarity, shaping perceptions, building loyalty and reinforcing the overall brand experience, thereby delivering a higher ROI. We specialize in leveraging mixed insights to assist brands in accelerating growth by strategically selecting and developing impactful campaigns or promotional activities that yield superior rewards for the invested resources.

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Mixed model marketing analysis quantifies the impact of marketing mix elements, such as product, price, promotion, and distribution, on sales and other key performance indicators to optimize marketing strategies. It helps businesses allocate resources effectively for maximum return on investment.


Target Product Profile (TPP)

Make informed decisions using the expertise of physicians to drive progress in healthcare.

Speed Testing For Go/No-go

Enhance your concept or product performance with fast, real-time insights at every stage of the development process with our specialized speed-testing solution. Identify the ideas and concepts that will create high brand impact and ROI.

Idea And Concept Testing

Implement idea screening to take the best ideas forward into further development. Evaluate concepts while removing exposure and order bias to be closer to in-market performance. Get our support to develop powerful concepts.

Qualitative Deep-Dive Solution

Get a nuanced understanding of consumer behavior by decoding the hidden signals of subconscious and emotional desires that shape decision-making.

Product Mix Testing

Develop an accurate product mix in alignment with the market needs and evaluate the value proposition of the offerings either with in-home placements or central location test.

Advertisement And Communication

Get strategic guidance on messaging, optimize effectiveness of content and create pathways to enhance brand awareness, market share and ROI.

Case Studies :