Single Platform to Review Sales KPIs & Portfolio Performance Across 50 Bus

KPIs and Portfolio Performance

Business Problem

  • A large medical devices company found itself in the need for a global dashboard which captures business unit revenues and other KPIs, and product performance details across regions and business segments in one place.

How and what we did

  • Using our Business Intelligence and Dashboards & Data Visualization capabilities, we extracted and processed the monthly sales data, analyzed KPIs across regional/ national benchmarks and portfolio performance. We designed a power BI dashboard and ensured an auto update periodically.

Key insights

  • The CFO view could provide yearly sales performance by category and business segments
  • The RBU view had the ability to generate and display revenue data by region and country across segments/category
  • The GBU financial report on the other hand had the ability to slice and dice data at any level (region, product, category)

Client Impact :

The client’s sales operations team and strategic business units were able to get a complete view of their global business revenues, achievements and performance on KPIs, enabling them to take quick informed strategic decisions in an agile manner.


Global Market
