Keeping the Ears to the Ground How a BFSI Company Increases CLTV

Business Problem

  • A BFSI company in NIgeria sought Borderless Access’ collaboration to identify areas and processes to improve the customer lifetime value for its pension fund. It required listening to the voice of the consumer and getting insights on the ground.

What & How We Did It

  • Using Borderless Access CXi solutions, we got a 360-degree view of the brand’s performance and the competitive landscape. We mapped the customer experience and perceptions across touchpoints. We deployed a mix of online and CAT methodologies to reach out to three cohorts – active users, retirees and those who have churned out of the system.

Key Insights

  • More than 90% customers were satisfied with their respective pension funds
  • Higher delight consumers were in fact indulging in high advocacy
  • Experiences at touchpoints like onboarding, registration and fund disbursements, and transparency in processes along with the reputation of the brand were identified to be key drivers influencing purchase and churn in the category

Client Impact :

The client was able to identify driving factors influencing the customer index and improve on areas to move its customers to the delight stage. It was able to deliver key business decisions to improve retention of existing customers and attract new consumers.


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